I was Coördinator of the Information Centre of Juvenilia which meant effectively meant I was in charge of the associations activities. There was no chairman.
In February 1998 Juvenilia, a network of young opera friends in Europe, was founded at a specially organised meeting in Milan. The initiative was a follow-up to the first European Youth Cultural Meeting which was organised at the Salzburger Festspiele during the summer of 1997. It was an astounding succes. During six days young people from all over Europe participated in workshops, met artists, and attended performances. Many of the participants have stayed in close touch and as a result several new youth clubs connected to opera companies have been founded all over Europe. Most of the clubs communicate with eachother through Juvenilia.
What does Juvenilia do?
Juvenilia improves the communication between clubs, opera companies and individuals all over Europe, and provides information about their activities, existence and structure. TheInformation Center is a service for young operafriends all over Europe. They can meet and enjoy opera at the Youth Cultural Events that are organised by various youth clubs in Europe. Once a year a General Assembly is organised where we can meet and discuss plans for the future.At the latest General Assembly in Madrid the following three main responsabilities were set for the future:responsabilities were set for the future:
1. Participation in projects organised by one or several youthclubs in the name of Juvenilia, youthclubs, individuals, opera companies and festivals.
2. Communication towards opera companies: to help support youth activities and provide basic guidelines for youth clubs and activities.
3. Distribution of free information on: the basic guidelines for creating and running a youth club, Juvenilia, the clubs, and their history.
How does Juvenilia operate?
Juvenilia is not an association in the strict sense. It was decided to maintain an open structure where all youth clubs with a focus on opera can participate. Without looking at the official construction, the age limits, the financial situation, the number of members, or whatever may be different from the other clubs.Practically it comes down to this. All that is important is that you or your club / organisation participates and communicates. Besides, Juvenilia’s service is a free one, there is no membership fee.
This is the original background as mentioned on the inactive website of Juvenilia. I have no knowledge of the current state of affairs.